Currently, wirkt. has four Impact Ventures: MTOP, Culture School, LANA and Learning Circle. All wirkt. Ventures are committed to equal opportunities and work together for a better tomorrow. At the core is also finding a sustainable business model to put the ventures’ work on a stable footing.
More Than One Perspective (MTOP) brings together well-educated people with a refugee and migration background and compatible companies in the labour market. We believe in the great potential of diversity, we believe in second chances and we promote a connected and inclusive labour market.
How do we do this?
- MTOP Associate Programme: Through workshops and individual coaching, we accompany MTOP associates on their way into the Austrian labour market.
- MTOP Connect: We place MTOP associates as qualified employees in companies.
- MTOP Experience: We design training and personnel development programmes with a focus on diversity and inclusion.
Impact statistics
Associates accompanied
0 +
integrated into the job market
0 %
satisfied partner companies
We stand for diversity & women’s empowerment. We are a diverse community of women from different life situations and cultural backgrounds which aims to promote intercultural exchange at eye level and to give women the space to empower each other. With our events and activities, we encourage an equal opportunity and diverse society.
What does LANA stand for?
- LANA is Arabic and means “for us” and embodies “by women for women”.
- LANA is a community for intercultural dialogue at eye level.
- LANA creates space for new perspectives and mutual learning.
Impact statistics
of origin
of origin
women at
LANA events
LANA events
We transform and strengthen relationships between teachers, pupils and parents by redefining cultural diversity as a strength. We help them understand and use the untapped potential of diversity. This makes learning possible for all.
Our focus is primarily on accompanying classes for a whole school year. In Culture School “mentor classes”, we develop a joint annual plan with the teachers, work with pupils on their strengths, hold workshops on the topics of identity and diversity, attend parents’ evenings and are available when there are questions about diversity in the classroom.
Impact statistics
Learn today for a self-determined tomorrow. We are a digital 1:1 learning support that is affordable for everyone. Learning Coaches and pupils work together for a whole semester, 90 minutes a week via video call. The focus is on pupils’ academic mastery as well as their personal growth.
The Learning Circle aims to be accessible to all children who need extra support— regardless of whether or not their families can afford it. We make this possible through a business model in which everyone pays as much as they can.
Impact statistics
over 50% of students are socio-economically disadvantaged
0 %
Impact Entrepreneurs-in-residence are the driving force within the Impact Ventures at wirkt. They are involved from the very beginning, develop strategies to pursue the long-term goals of a Venture, and manage it.
As part of the Venture Studio at wirkt., the entrepreneurs benefit from existing know-how and resources which support them in independently shaping an Impact Venture.
Each year, wirkt. will launch new Impact Ventures. In order to develop new solutions, we follow a participatory innovation process.V
Our Impact Venture Teams
Learning Circle Team
Culture School Team

Impact Ventures

Venture Studio